Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Game of Alice Ivy

Her name is Alice Ivy. This is her game.

Alice is proud and happy to show us that she has discovered a clue.  See the clue? Alice loves to play games, even if the games are random and last 30 seconds, tops.  And to think, I left my wax carton of Plaster of Paris sitting on the bar in the kitchen. I could have made a deer hoof mold. Thank you, Alice.
In the Game of Alice Ivy. Here are the rules: First nonchalantly go into the kitchen and as s-l-o-w-l-y and as quietly as possible, slide open the drawer on the far right of the bar -- uh, huh, that's the one. If you've gotten this far without Alice discovering your clue, you get 10 points. Good for you. If you can grab that red leash out of the drawer and thrust it either into your purse or any other hiding place without being discovered you earn the Spy-vs-Spy trophy and an additional five points. Way to go!!! Fist bump!

Next, very quietly open the hall closet door and scan the top shelf.  The dog halter is next to the whisk broom.  Ease you hand up there and see if you can snag it without dropping something on the floor, thus bringing Alice into the hallway in a sideways slide so slanted that she can barely stand upright on the wood floor -- she will have her mouth open pulling in so much air into her lungs that your brain is already filled with the knowledge of what will happen upon exhaled through her voice box. Should this happen, you automatically lose the game. O-U-T! If you actually do make it this far without being discovered (and so far, nobody has ever made it this far), you get 100 points and assorted really good snacks (like Cheddar Bunnies:) uuuummmmm!).

Finally, grab your backpack, snack pack, cell phone, camera, coats, hiking books, and other wraps and head down the stairs to the garage. IF you make it to the door without being seen YOU WIN!!!

What have we here? Snack Pack -- snacksize treats of granola, Cheddar Bunnies, peanuts, peanut butter & crackers, protein bars, soda, water, AND candy (Alice had her own treats in that bag, too).  Sturdy hiking boots, which are really sold as hunting boots.  We are only "hunting" a good hike, some miles to add to our Iron Ranger National Park Challenge, random wildlife and fun pictures.
So far, Alice Ivy is the Gold Metal Grand Champion winner of this game.

Alice likes Dwain's truck best because for one thing, it has a bench seat complete with ASPCA bed liner and her fuzzy blanket. And her water bowl, which we never forget because we always remember to put it back in there. And she can easily see out of three windows. AND best of all, if we forget to engage the child-proof locks, she can press the window down. That's always a kick! NOT!

Sunday, January 24th, promised to be an exceptionally pretty day.  Since we committed at the first of this year and took the Centennial Iron Ranger Challenge 2016 (and because Alice is part of the family, she sort of gets to take part in the challenge, too, by default), we drove west to Pea Ridge National Military Park to walk. According to the map, they have miles and miles of hiking/biking/horseback-riding trails. AND they welcome well-mannered pets. Megan was explaining to Alice, what exactly, well-mannered, meant in a park like this. As you can see, Alice was paying close attention.

After stopping at the Visitor's Center where we obtained our pass, evidently good for every National Park, yay!, we consulted the map they gave us and decided to drive to Stop #3, which was called Leetown (no visible evidence of a town any longer exists). From there we took off down a narrow, natural, leafy path, much like we often find along the well hiked trails of the Buffalo River.

Eventually, we found ourselves in a clearing where we felt it was safe to let Alice run off of her leash -- no one was around. Oh joy! Oh joy!

Alice has discovered the joy of leaping, unfettered, through tall prairie grass while Dwain explores that old oak tree with his walking stick and camera. Alice cares not one wit about standing still for picture taking sessions. That crippled and tired tree with an enormous wound in its side, a thousand secrets and Civil War stories, wouldn't object to a simple picture, even if it could audibly speak. There is simply too much to say that a picture is incapable of telling.  

We walked and walked and walked -- we were fascinated by the well-maintained paths and the miles and miles of split rail fence.

Every one had to jump them. Another game that Alice won by a landslide.

Suddenly, Alice decided to play another game. First you walk toward another split rail fence with a wreath dedicated to TX on it.

Then you growl a little growl down deep in your throat. Then you put your ears forward, turn suddenly, go into a crouch and run. What in the world?

The game continues... stick your nose into a deep hole and growl. Just once. Only once. If you growl more than once, you lose. Do not bark. Never bark.

Here is the winner's prize everyone. Congratulations to the winner. *no person/place/thing was hurt/damaged/killed during this game*

Game over. Everyone is headed back. It's been a superior day  of playing games and touring Pea Ridge Battlefield.

Dwain, Megan, Alice Ivy

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