Sunday, December 27, 2015

At least we weren't dumb enough to hang out clothes ...

Mercy me!  When will the rains end? Who's going to win this battle? The clothes line. The tree. The fire station. Which has been standing the longest?

Late Sunday afternoon (December 27, 2015), weather alerts on both our cell phones went off, and we were like boxers coming out for the bell.  We went charging to see what all the hoopla was about.
Guess we had cabin fever, even though we went to church today.

We loaded up Alice --

-- And Megan took an extra pair of socks in case her feet got wet or cold.  She can't stand cold feet.

We pointed the truck toward Valley Springs.  Hog Creek is normally a trickle, if that.  We could step across it, easily, in places.  Today, we were worried about being washed away.

This afternoon, we thought this looked like a white water river.  No, we're not planning to open an extreme float service.
Where to - next?

Ozarks ponds are overflowing and fields are making streams where streams didn't exist before.

What a difference from the winters of Dwain's youth. He remembers winters as cold and dry. Break ice for cows!  That was miserable.  Cars and trucks wouldn't start. 
Never floods.
Neither of us remember  ever losing electricity as kids, even in an ice storm.

We're on Highway 7 heading south. That's the entrance (to the left) to Marble Falls.  That's probably a chalet on the left.  Looks like someone might be living in it.  Forty years ago, we might be going snow skiing at Marble Falls, rather than putting in a kayak on Mill Creek in downtown Dogpatch USA. 

There's the falls.  It's really visible and hearable.  Megan liked the outline of the hills and water hanging off branches.

See the power in all that water.  And to the left, is part of the old Dogpatch USA theme park.

Lots and lots of water rushing through downtown Dogpatch.  It was hard to take a picture, because every time we rolled down the window, rain poured inside.

That's Crooked Creek boiling under that bridge.  Let's take a right.

We're sure glad for the bridge and guard rail between us and the raging creek. Yes, we've seen Crooked Creek at higher levels, but that rain hasn't stopped and isn't planning to for the next 24 hours.  At least, it's not snow.

Raincoat weather.  We pulled underneath the awning at First Baptist Church so Megan could stretch her legs and snap a picture.  No, she wasn't planning to play in the water in those white corduroy pants, white top and white snowflake sweater.  At least she wore her rubber rain boots.  And don't forget those extra socks she was carrying.

Here's one of those accidental pictures, that appeared after touching the back of the camera.  What a nice surprise.

Welcome to the picture Megan was trying to get.  Harrison school personnel were looking for higher ground to park the bus fleet, rather than let them float downstream.

Rainy!  Rainy!  Rainy!  This is what Christmas decorations look like through a rain-splattered truck window.

We're crossing Lakeshore Drive and looking at the Harrison Junior High School.  Or in Megan's days, the Harrison High School.

Still, lots of airspace between Lake Harrison and the South Main Street Bridge.

We didn't see a soul out walking or fishing.  Not a child on the playground.  Usually this place is full of people relaxing and exercising.

Dusk is slowly descending, as the lights come on.  No one appears to have rented the pavilion this afternoon for a party.

Even the ducks and geese were taking refuge from the floodwaters and trying to duck the debris.

It's amazing how lights reflect in the rain, even stoplights and blinkers.  They look very festive.

We've got a green light looking north on Main Street, and a yellow light and Christmas lights reflect off the pavement.  Or as our daughter-in-law, Suzy, would say, "Off the tarmac."

This gloomy weather sure causes the Christmas lights to look pretty.

This is East Rush Avenue. The Old Federal Building is on the left, and Sam Alexander Pharmacy on the right. This is one of our favorite streets in the winter.  Do any of you remember the Rush Hotel?  It had neat Christmas lights a couple of years before it burnt.

It's raining and raining!  Anyone recognize this place?

Well, these little piggies have decided that we better head home before we float away.  Rub-a-dub-dub, we're full of nursery rhymes tonight.

Megan and Dwain
You all stay dry and warm.  Get a pair of socks like Megan's.

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